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NRicher™ Apo
货号:NAPO-10 | 规格:10 preps | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Biotech Support Group
NRicher™ Apo用于载脂蛋白的富集,Biotech Support Group提供两个规格NRicher™ Apo,10 preps(NAPO-10)和50 preps(NAPO-50)。

NRicher™ Apo

Enrichment of Apolipoproteins

NRicher™ Apo用于载脂蛋白的富集,Biotech Support Group提供两个规格NRicher™ Apo,10 preps(NAPO-10)和50 preps(NAPO-50)。


· 消耗性的化学衍生磁珠,与物种无关,因为它们不是来自抗体

· 从动物和人的血清或血浆中富集载脂蛋白,白蛋白去除率>90%

· 不需要任何专门的仪器,只需要一个微量离心机

· 磁珠格式适合自动化兼容(请咨询)

· 用于LC-MS分析的On-Bead消化,或用于任何功能性、酶促或免疫测定分析的选择性洗脱

Apolipoproteins play a key role in atherosclerotic processes. Apo E variants are under investigation in neurological disorders, and in cancer there is evidence for modulating apolipoprotein expression. Thus, profiles of circulating apolipoproteins hold promise as biomarkers for the prediction of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and other precision medicine applications. However, clinical immunoassays are not available for most apolipoproteins, and variants require special consideration. For example, the size polymorphism of Lp(a) necessitates a need for isoform-agnostic measurement. Thus, advances in the productivity and multiplexing capacity of LC-MS/MS, offer the potential for personalized profiling by simultaneous quantification of multiple apolipoproteins and their associated variants.

The NRicher™ Apo product is dedicated to Apolipoproteins to help in these investigations. Another BSG product - Cleanascite™ binds to only lipid-bound proteins, and can be used to investigate the lipid-bound vs. unbound profile. This may provide additional granularity to CVD risk assessment.
