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Human IL-6 ELISA Kit
货号:ABS1012 | 规格:96 Tests | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:ABSbio
人IL-6 ELISA试剂盒/人白介素6 ELISA试剂盒用于定量检测天然或重组的人IL-6,适用样品:血清,血浆及细胞培养基,检测范围:8-2000pg /ml。

人IL-6 ELISA试剂盒/白介素6 ELISA试剂盒用于定量检测天然或重组的人IL-6。

检测范围:8 - 2000pg /ml

IL-6 (Interleukin-6) is a pleiotropic cytokine that acts in the acute phase reaction, inflammation, hematopoiesis, bone metabolism, and cancer progression.

ABSbio™ Human IL-6 ELISA Kit provide a rapid, sensitive and reliable assay for the determination of Human IL-6 in serum, plasma & cell culture media. The strip plate is coated with the antibody and preblocked to provide timesaving for high-throughput users. Human IL-6 containing samples or standards and a biotinylated detection antibody directed against Human IL-6 are added subsequently and then followed by washing step. StreptavidinHRP was added and unbound conjugates were washed away. Finally, TMB was used to visualize HRP enzyme reaction. TMB was catalyzed by HRP to produce a blue color product that changed into yellow after adding acidic stop solution. The density of yellow is proportional to the Human IL-6 in samples.

The kit is designed to quantitatively measure natural and/or recombinant Human IL-6 within the range of 8–2000 pg/ml. The kit is sufficient to assay human IL-6 in approximately 96 ELISA plate wells. 

别名:IL6; MGI2-A; MGI2A; HGF; BSF2; HSF; IFNB2; B-Cell Stimulatory Factor-2; Hybridoma/Plasmacytoma Growth Factor; Hepatocyte Stimulating Factor; Cytotoxic T-Cell Differentiation Factor; Interleukin 6
