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首页 > 产品 > 产品类型 > 试剂盒 > 多糖标记

中昊新生提供一系列包括多糖标记的所有领域试剂盒。 我们提供定量单糖和定量唾液酸释放和标记试剂盒,以满足生物制药实现的监管要求。 我们还提供用于多糖和糖肽标记的带有各种荧光标签和MS活性标签的标记试剂盒,以及多糖衍生试剂盒。

中昊新生提供的LudgerTag™ 多糖标记试剂盒试剂纯化至分析级,并在清洁的惰性环境下封装。安瓿瓶在500°C下通过热解进行预清洁,然后在配装前打开,并在无氧干燥氮气下密封。这样高标准质控确保您的分析每次都能正常工作。
  • LudgerTag Monosaccharide Release and Labelling Kit,单糖释放和标记试剂盒 LudgerTag Monosaccharide Release and Labelling Kit,单糖释放和标记试剂盒
    货号:LT-MONO-96 | 规格:96 samples | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Ludger
    LudgerTag 2-AA(2-aminobenzoic acid) Monosaccharide Release and Labelling Kit,Each kit contains reagents and materials for up to 96 glycoprotein samples, control and standards analysed in parallel or two sets of 48 samples。药物唾液酸化的总体程度-唾液酸的绝对定量每分子酸残基数(nmol/mg蛋白质)。
  • LudgerTag DMB Sialic Acid Release and Labelling Kit,DMB唾液酸释放和标记试 LudgerTag DMB Sialic Acid Release and Labelling Kit,DMB唾液酸释放和标记试
    货号:LT-KDMB-A1 | 规格:22 samples | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Ludger
    LudgerTag DMB sialic acid release and labeling kit,Release and labelling of sialic acids with 1,2-diamino-4,5-methylenedioxybenzene.2HCl (DMB) for fluorophore detection of chromatographically separated sialic acid variants. Kit sufficient for 22 samples.药物唾液酸化的总体程度-唾液酸的绝对定量每分子酸残基数(nmol/mg蛋白质)。
  • LudgerTag V-Tag Glycopeptide Labeling and Enrichment Kit,V-Tag糖肽 LudgerTag V-Tag Glycopeptide Labeling and Enrichment Kit,V-Tag糖肽
    货号:LT-VTAG-24 | 规格:24 samples | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Ludger
    Ludger V-Tag糖蛋白分析技术是一种为单克隆抗体研发和生物仿制药厂家提供的成本效益高的,经GMP认证的, 快速工具。
    • 用于单克隆抗体药物整个生命周期的质量控制和生物相似性验证。
    • 易于整合进您的肽图。它能提供多糖的定性,定量,结合位点 和 位点占有信息。
  • LudgerTag Procainamide Glycan Labeling Kit, 2PB reductant,普鲁卡因胺多 LudgerTag Procainamide Glycan Labeling Kit, 2PB reductant,普鲁卡因胺多
    货号:LT-KPROC-VP24 | 规格:24 samples | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Ludger
    LudgerTag Procainamide Glycan Labeling Kit with 2-picoline borane,For labelling of free glycans with procainamide (PROC) 2- picoline borane reductant. Kit sufficient for 24 samples.
  • LudgerTag 2-AB Glycan High Throughput Labeling Kit, 2PB reductan LudgerTag 2-AB Glycan High Throughput Labeling Kit, 2PB reductan
    货号:LT-KAB-VP96 | 规格:96 samples | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Ludger
    LudgerTag 2-AB多糖高通量标记试剂盒(2PB 还原剂)-LudgerTag 2-AB(2-aminobenzamide) Glycan High Throughput Labeling Kit containing 2-picoline borane,A new high throughput labelling kit for the labeling of free glycans with 2-aminobenzamide acid (2-AB). This kit contains 2-picoline borane as the reductant. Sufficient
  • LudgerTag 2-AB Glycan Labeling Kit, 2PB reductant,2-AB多糖标记试剂盒(2P LudgerTag 2-AB Glycan Labeling Kit, 2PB reductant,2-AB多糖标记试剂盒(2P
    货号:LT-KAB-VP24 | 规格:24 samples | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Ludger
    LudgerTag 2-AB(2-aminobenzamide) Glycan Labeling Kit containing 2-picoline borane,For labelling of free glycans with 2-aminobenzamide acid (2-AB). 2- picoline borane reductant. Kit sufficient for 24 samples.
  • LudgerTag 2-AA Glycan Labeling Kit, 2PB reductant,2-AA多糖标记试剂盒(2P LudgerTag 2-AA Glycan Labeling Kit, 2PB reductant,2-AA多糖标记试剂盒(2P
    货号:LT-KAA-VP24 | 规格:24 samples | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Ludger
    LudgerTag 2-AA(2-aminobenzoic acid) Glycan Labeling Kit containing 2-picoline borane,For labelling of free glycans with 2-aminobenzoic acid (2-AA). 2- picoline borane reductant. Kit sufficient for 24 samples.
  • LudgerTag Permethylation kit (without methyl iodide),全甲基化试剂盒(不含甲 LudgerTag Permethylation kit (without methyl iodide),全甲基化试剂盒(不含甲
    货号:LT-PERMET-VP96 | 规格:96 samples | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Ludger
    LudgerTag Permethylation kit-without Methyl Iodide (MeI) ,For the permethylation of free glycans. Kit sufficient for 96 samples. Without Methyl Iodide (MeI)
  • LudgerTag V-TAG glycan release and labelling kit,V-TAG多糖释放和标记试剂盒 LudgerTag V-TAG glycan release and labelling kit,V-TAG多糖释放和标记试剂盒
    货号:LT-VTAG-C30 | 规格:30 samples | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Ludger
    LudgerTag V-TAG多糖释放和标记试剂盒,To enable release of N-glycans from glycoproteins, N-glycan labelling and clean up within 1 hour for a single sample / 2 hours for 30 samples. Each kit contains PNGase F, V-Tag fluorophore dye, reagents and SPE cartridges, sufficient for up to 30 samples.
  • LudgerTag Procainamide Glycan Labeling Kit,普鲁卡因胺多糖标记试剂盒 LudgerTag Procainamide Glycan Labeling Kit,普鲁卡因胺多糖标记试剂盒
    货号:LT-KPROC-96 | 规格:96 samples | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Ludger
    LudgerTag普鲁卡因胺聚糖标记试剂盒,含氰基硼氢化钠还原剂;LudgerTag Procainamide Glycan Labeling Kit with sodium cyanoborohydride reductant,For labelling of free glycans with procainamide (PROC) sodium cyanoborohydride reductant. Kit sufficient for 96 samples.
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