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RNeasy PowerWater Sample
货号:14700-S | 规格:2 Test | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:QIAGEN
RNeasy PowerWater Sample(QIAGEN 14700-S),RNeasy PowerWater Kit For the isolation of total RNA from filtered water samples, including turbid water.
RNeasy PowerWater Sample,RNeasy PowerWater Kit For the isolation of total RNA from filtered water samples, including turbid water.

Rapid RNA isolation from water samples in less than 40 minutes
Highly pure RNA extraction in turbid water samples from all water-borne microorganisms
Ready-to-use, inhibitor-free RNA for downstream applications

Isolate RNA from all microbes present in environmental water samples with the RNeasy PowerWater Kit. The kit is designed to isolate RNA from bacteria (Gram +/-), algae and fungi. Samples are processed from start to finish, including the RNase step, in 40 minutes. The kit combines mechanical lysis and Inhibitor Removal Technology to yield high-quality, ready-to-use RNA, even with samples containing high amounts of salts, metal, humic acids and other organic materials. Resulting RNA can then be used in RT-PCR, qPCR, RNA-seq and other downstream applications.

Format:Silica spin filter tubes
Throughput:1-6 samples
Time per run or per prep:40 minutes
Processing:Bead beating
Storage temperature:Store lyophilized DNase I at 4°C All other kit reagents and components should be stored at room temperature (15-30°C)
Sample types:Ocean water, fresh water, brackish water, ground water, waste water
Bead size:0.15 mm, 0.7 mm garnet mix
Binding capacity:Up to 40 µg per prep