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CompactPrep Plasmid Maxi Kit (25)
货号:12863 | 规格:25 Reactions | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:QIAGEN
For fast purification of up to 750 µg molecular biology grade plasmid or cosmid DNAFor fast purification of up to 750 µg molecular biology grade plasmid or cosmid DNA,Purification of up to 24 samples in <60 minutes,Low elution volumes for highly concentrated DNA,Bench-top processing with no need for

For fast purification of up to 750 µg molecular biology grade plasmid or cosmid DNAFor fast purification of up to 750 µg molecular biology grade plasmid or cosmid DNA


Purification of up to 24 samples in <60 minutes

Low elution volumes for highly concentrated DNA

Bench-top processing with no need for large centrifuges

LyseBlue for optimum lysis and maximum DNA yield

Product Details

CompactPrep Plasmid Kits provide fast spin column-based large-scale plasmid purification. Up to 24 samples can be processed in parallel in less than 60 minutes using a vacuum manifold . Handling of the samples is fast and easy. CompactPrep Plasmid Kits require use of a vacuum device. Note: CompactPrep Plasmid Kits do not contain QIAfilter Cartridges and require centrifugation for lysate clearing.

For optimal results it is recommended to use this product together with QIAvac 24 Plus.


CompactPrep Plasmid Kits enable fast, large-scale plasmid purification. The use of a vacuum manifold allows up to 24 samples to be purified in parallel on a single workbench for plasmid midi and plasmid maxi preps. Up to 200 µg plasmid DNA is purified in less than 60 minutes from 25 ml (high-copy plasmids) or 50 ml (low-copy plasmids) LB medium using the CompactPrep Plasmid Midi Kit. DNA is eluted in 100 µl and concentrations are typically 1–2 µg/µl. The CompactPrep Plasmid Maxi Kit enables purification of up to 750 µg plasmid DNA in less than 60 minutes from 100 ml (high-copy plasmid) or 250 ml (low-copy plasmid) LB medium. DNA is eluted in 200 µl and concentrations are typically 3–4 µg/µl. CompactPrep Plasmid Kits provide molecular biology grade plasmid DNA with low endotoxin levels .

Maximum plasmid yields using LyseBlue

LyseBlue reagent is now also included in CompactPrep Kits ensuring high DNA yields. Using a simple visual identification system, LyseBlue reagent prevents common handling errors that lead to inefficient cell lysis and incomplete precipitation of SDS, cell debris and genomic DNA. LyseBlue is optional and provided in a separate vial within the kit.


CompactPrep Plasmid Kits provide a novel method for fast large-scale plasmid preparation. The procedure is based on a nonchaotropic binding chemistry, reducing the total preparation volume to miniprep scale. All protocol steps after cell harvest can be performed at the bench using QIAfilter cartridges, a vacuum manifold and a standard microcentrifuge. The unique kit chemistry and design of the CompactPrep column ensure large-scale plasmid prep yields using a spin column format.


CompactPrep Plasmid Kits provide fast, large-scale, nonchaotropic silica-based plasmid DNA preparation. DNA binding and washing, using a spin column on a vacuum manifold , and DNA elution, using a microcentrifuge, enables the entire plasmid purification process to take place at the bench.


CompactPrep Plasmid Kits provide molecular biology grade plasmid DNA suitable for use in routine applications, including:

High-quality automated sequencing

Restriction digestion

Ligation and transformation

In vitro transcription and translation

Transfection of robust cells

Supporting data and figures1_5.jpeg

Low endotoxin levels.

Plasmid DNA was purified from 25 ml and 100 ml cultures of the indicated E. coli strains using the CompactPrep Plasmid Midi or Maxi Kit protocol. The endotoxin content of the purified plasmid DNA was determined using the Kinetic-QCL Kinetic Chromogenic Assay. The average endotoxin content is shown.
