This IgG glycoprotein standard was developed for use to be used as a positive control during glycan release and labeling.
Source :This product is purified from human blood. Human IgG glycoprotein standard contains a mixture of gamma-type antibodies.
Molecular Weight: ~150kDa (protein weight only)
Amount In comparison to BSA standard, determined by BCA assay. Value rounded to nearest μg:
GCP-IGG-50U : 50 μg protein
GCP-IGG-100U : 100 μg protein
Glycans :The majority of glycans present on human antibodies are N-link bi-antennary types . These glycans exist in both fucosylated and non-fucosylated forms, with and without bisecting GlcNAcs, and terminate either with 0, 1 or 2 galactoses (the G0, G1 and G2 glycan forms). Sialic acid terminating glycans are also present on native human IgGs.
Form :Dry. Lyophilised powder.
Storage: Keep at -20°C both before and after dissolving. This product is stable for at least 5 years as supplied.
Shipping :The product is shipped at ambient temperature.
Handling :Once dissolved avoid repeated thawing and refreezing, storage over 3 hours at room temperature or above, and exposure to light and long term exposure to acid as these will cause glycan desialylation.
Safety :This product is non-hazardous and has been purified from natural sources certified to be free of all hazardous material including pathogenic biological agents.