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Mouse PAI-1 genetically deficient kidney
货号:MPAI-KO-KD | 规格:1 Kidney | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Molecular Innovations
Mouse PAI-1 genetically deficient kidney是由北京中昊新生科技有限公司提供,Molecular Innovations专注于凝血和溶栓试剂,包括PAI-1307、tPA、尿激酶、凝血因子、玻连蛋白、纤维蛋白原、纤连蛋白、肾素原/肾素、前激肽释放酶、激肽释放酶、白蛋白、纤溶酶原、纤溶酶、抗纤溶酶、凝血酶、抗凝血酶、补体成分和免疫球蛋白。
This organ is an ideal negative control for western blotting, immunoprecipitation, immunohistochemistry and other experiments involving PAI-1. Collected and flash frozen from homozygous PAI-1 knockout mice of strain B6.129S2-Serpine1 tm1Mlg /J. The targeted PAI-1 knockout mutation was made on the C57BL/6J background strain. Mice homozygous for this mutation develop normally and are viable and fertile. Compared to wild type mice, pulmonary clot lysis is increased in the heterozygote and further increased in the homozygote. Endotoxin induced venous thrombosis is decreased compared to wild type mice. Thus, disruption of the Serpine1 gene induces a mild hyperfibrinolytic state. Hemostasis is normal in homozygous mutants.

Carmeliet P; Kieckens L; Schoonjans L; Ream B; van Nuffelen A; Prendergast G; Cole M; Bronson R; Collen D; Mulligan RC. 1993. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 gene-deficient mice. I. Generation by homologous recombination and characterization. J Clin Invest 92(6):2746-55.