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RNase-Free DNase Set (250)
货号:79256 | 规格:250 Reactions | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:QIAGEN


Product Details

QIAGEN RNase-Free DNase Set保证无RNA酶、经严格质控和优化,配合RNeasy操作流程和QIAamp RNA Blood Mini操作流程使用。一般来说,使用RNeasy Kits纯化RNA时,不需要DNA酶消化步骤,因为硅胶膜离心柱技术可有效地去除大部分DNA,而无需DNA酶处理。然而,某些RNA应用对痕量DNA非常敏感,因此需要彻底去除DNA。QIAGEN RNase-Free DNase Set中提供RDD缓冲液,经优化可用于柱上DNA酶消化。该缓冲液也非常适合于溶液中高效DNA酶消化。在使用RNeasy试剂盒和QIAamp RNA Blood Mini Kit从细胞和组织中纯化RNA的过程中,QIAGEN RNase-Free DNase Set提供高效的柱上DNA消化。后续的洗涤步骤可将DNA酶高效去除。当使用RNeasy 96 试剂盒过程中需要DNA酶处理时,请联系QIAGEN Technical Services或当地经销商获取专门优化的实验方案。QIAGEN RNase-Free DNase Set是以稳定的、冻干粉酶形式提供。QIAGEN RNase-Free DNase Set提供1500 Kunitz units。1 Kunitz units是指在25°C、pH 5.0条件下,以高度聚合的DNA为底物,使每毫升底物的A260值每分钟升高0.001时所需要的DNase I的量(Kunitz, M. [1950] Crystalline desoxyribonuclease. I. Isolation and general properties, spectrophotometric method for the measurement of desoxyribonuclease activity. II. Digestion of thymus nucleic acid (desoxyribonucleic acid): the kinetics of the reaction. J. Gen. Physiol. 33, 349 and 363)。


One Kunitz unit is defined as the amount of DNase I that causes an increase in A260 of 0.001 per minute per milliliter at 25°C, pH 5.0, with highly polymerized DNA as the substrate (Kunitz, M. [1950] Crystalline desoxyribonuclease. I. Isolation and general properties, spectrophotometric method for the measurement of desoxyribonuclease activity. II. Digestion of thymus nucleic acid (desoxyribonucleic acid): the kinetics of the reaction. J. Gen. Physiol. 33, 349 and 363).
