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QIAseq Targeted RNAscan Panel (96)
货号:333605 | 规格:96 Reactions | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:QIAGEN
用于基因表达图谱分析的数字RNAseq。可将多达25个基因添加至预制panel中;每个panel最低仅需25 ng总RNA;在1天之内可完成“从样本制备到文库构建”的全部流程;采用分子条形码技术,保证了表达图谱分析的准确度。




每个panel最低仅需25 ng总RNA



Product Details

QIAseq Targeted RNA Extended Panel是通过RNAseq进行定量基因表达图谱分析的“从样本制备到数据解读”解决方案。这些panel结合了分子条形码技术和两步法PCR的文库制备方法,可无偏差、准确地定量数字RNA测序结果。


Accuracy: Innovative digital sequencing (incorporating molecular barcodes) eliminates PCR duplication and amplification bias to confidently detect known and novel fusions.

Specificity: The unique combination of our proprietary primer design algorithm and rigorous testing of every primer assay guarantees high specificity and accurate results.

Content: The QIAseq targeted RNAscan panels offer a high degree of flexibility in content and sample multiplexing. Several cataloged panels have been developed for a wide range of applications. One can also build a custom panel for specific content, or to extend the contents of an existing cataloged panel. Up to 384 samples can be multiplexed using the QIAseq indexes.

Flexibility: Because the QIAseq targeted RNAscan panels use single primer extension, primers can be designed to detect known fusions based on characterized breakpoints or to discover novel fusions.


PCR duplicates are a major issue in targeted RNA sequencing for gene fusion detection, since – through PCR amplification – they turn unique RNA molecules into identical RNA molecules that cannot be distinguished from each other. This, in turn, results in the inability to confidently detect gene fusions. To overcome the issue of PCR duplicates, the QIAseq targeted RNAscan panels use digital sequencing by incorporating molecular barcodes into the starting RNA material before any amplification takes place – thereby preserving the uniqueness of the starting RNA molecules and overcoming the issues of not only PCR duplicates and amplification bias.


The entire workflow of the QIAseq Targeted RNAscan Panels – from extracted RNA to sequencing-ready libraries – can be completed in 9 hours. Extracted RNA is converted to cDNA, targets are molecularly barcoded and enriched, and libraries are constructed. Sequencing files can be fed into the QIAseq pipeline – a cloud-based data analysis pipeline – which will filter, map and align reads, as well as count unique molecular barcodes associated with targeted regions and call fusions. This data can then be fed into QCI for interpretation.





