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miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panel-32 Panels on 1x384-well plate
货号:339331 | 规格:1 Units | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:QIAGEN
For quick and easy quality control of miRNA samples prior to SYBR® Green-based qPCR profiling.Quality control of the RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis steps of miRCURY LNA miRNA PCR experiments.

For quick and easy quality control of miRNA samples prior to SYBR® Green-based qPCR profiling


All-in-one solution for evaluating sample preparation, cDNA synthesis and qPCR

Includes carefully selected biological markers and spike-ins based on millions of datapoints

Unique hemolysis indicator shows degree of hemolysis in serum/plasma samples

Comprehensive coverage for human, mouse, rat, monkey and dog

Product Details

The miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panel enables quick and easy quality control of RNA samples, so you can be sure to use only optimal samples for your qPCR profiling studies. Use the 96- or 384-well format PCR panel to check the quality of your isolated RNA, look for outlier samples, identify the presence of nucleases and PCR inhibitors and look for signs of hemolysis. Avoid spending time and resources on suboptimal samples.

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A truly unique product

The miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panel offers a unique and comprehensive way of checking sample quality and PCR efficiency. The panel is compatible with many sample types, including cell cultures, tissue samples and biofluids from human, mouse, rat, monkey and dog .

Use the panel to test your isolated RNA to find outliers and suboptimal samples , including serum/plasma samples affected by hemolysis . This saves time and resources in the laboratory.


The importance of a good start

miRNA qPCR is the most commonly used technique for miRNA expression profiling. There are many advantages of using PCR: it is fast, sensitive and accurate. However, successful qPCR experiments depend on high-quality input RNA. Degraded RNA decreases the efficiency of the technique, and inhibitors can adversely affect the cDNA synthesis and amplification steps. For some samples, such as biofluids, determining the quality of the purified RNA can be difficult.

The miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panel offers a unique and comprehensive way to check your sample quality and PCR efficiency. The panel contains LNA-enhanced PCR primer sets that target miRNAs and spike-ins that can be specifically used for RNA quality control. These primer sets have been selected based on our extensive experience in miRNA qPCR and analysis of millions of datapoints.

When used in conjunction with the RNA Spike-in Kit, the panel can help you find differences in RNA yield and identify outlier samples. In addition, RNA spike-ins can be used to check the cDNA synthesis and PCR amplification efficiencies.

The miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panel contains assays for miRNAs that are expressed in a wide range of sample types and is therefore suitable for evaluating the samples in a biological context. Two of the miRNAs in the panel can be used to evaluate the level of hemolysis in samples such as serum and plasma.

Product coverage

The miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panel consists of 12 predefined assays for use in human, mouse, rat, monkey and dog samples. The panel can be used for assessing RNA from a wide variety of samples, including tissue, cell culture and biofluids.

The panel is available in two formats:

96-well, ready-to-use: two 96-well PCR plates containing 16 miRNA QC panels; compatible with most real-time PCR instruments.

384-well, ready-to-use: one 384-well PCR plate containing 32 miRNA QC panels; compatible with most real-time PCR instruments.

The plates are produced in a ready-to-use format, which means that the primer sets are dispensed and lyophilized in the well in an amount sufficient for one 10 µl reaction per well.


Analysis and interpretation of data

An important factor when using the miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panel and the RNA Spike-In Kit is knowing how to interpret the experimental data. We have made this easy by devoting an entire section in the kit handbook to explaining how to analyze and interpret the data in an easy-to-understand and clear-cut way. Refer to the miRCURY LNA miRNA QC PCR Panel Handbook for details.


Quality control of the RNA isolation and cDNA synthesis steps of miRCURY LNA miRNA PCR experiments
