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TissueRuptor II 低通量破碎仪
货号:9002756 | 规格:台 | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:QIAGEN
TissueRuptor II低通量破碎仪用于分子分析的低通量样品破碎。
TissueRuptor II低通量破碎仪用于分子分析的低通量样品破碎。 QIAGEN TissueRuptor II是手持式仪器,前端装配有可抛弃型探头,探头里的刀片以非常高的速度旋转,在震荡力和机械剪切力作用下样品被破碎并匀浆化,破碎可在有裂解液存在条件下进行,样品类型包含人、动物、植物组织,另有钢探头可供选择。

TissueRuptor II破碎和匀浆的样品再使用QIAGEN核酸纯化试剂盒可纯化得到可重复性的高品质DNA、RNA和完整的蛋白质。 Genotyping, gene expression and proteomics applications demand effective disruption of biological samples to ensure high yields of DNA, RNA and protein. The TissueRuptor II system delivers thorough and rapid disruption of samples to fully release biomolecules, and also simultaneously homogenizes samples to facilitate subsequent purification procedures using QIAGEN kits.

The TissueRuptor II is an integral part of QIAGEN's complete solution for sample management — from sample collection to purification and analysis of DNA, RNA and protein. Optimized protocols integrate sample disruption with biomolecule purification, enabling a streamlined, efficient workflow. In addition, a range of automated solutions allow purification and analysis of biomolecules at low to high throughputs.

QIAGEN also provides RNAprotect Tissue Reagent (to stabilize RNA) and Allprotect Tissue Reagent (to stabilize DNA, RNA and protein). Tissues collected in these reagents can also be easily disrupted with the TissueRuptor II.


• 快速、高效地破碎并匀浆类型广泛的生物样品;
• 提供多种DNase/RNase Free的裂解耗材有效杜绝交叉污染;
• 可重复的、标准化的样本破碎;
• 与QIAGEN样品纯化试剂盒无缝整合。