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Citrate Synthase Activity Detection Kit
货号:K298-100 | 规格:100 tests | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:ABSbio
柠檬酸合成酶活性检测试剂盒/Citrate Synthase Activity Detection Kit,也称为Citrate Synthase(CS) Activity Assay Kit,检测限0.1 U/L,一种简单,灵敏,一步法高通量比色法来检测各种生物样品中的CS活性。


Citrate Synthase (CS) is a pace-making enzyme in the first step of the Citric Acid Cycle that catalyzes the conversion of acetyl-CoA and oxaloacetate into citrate and exists in all living organisms. CS is localized in the mitochondrial matrix within eukaryotic cells and serves as a marker for intact mitochondria.  A recent study showed that increased activity of mitochondrial CS is directly associated with metabolic and endocrine abnormalities.

The ABSbio™ Citrate Synthase (CS) Activity Detection Kit provides a simple, sensitive, one-step high-throughput adaptable colorimetric assay to detect CS activity in the various biological samples. In this assay, Citrate Synthase reacts with CS substrate to form an intermediate, which subsequently reacts with probe to generate the colored product. The intensity of color, measured at 412 nm, is directly proportional to the CS activity which is present in the sample. The kit is supplied with sufficient reagents for 100 tests in 96-well plate assay. It could easily be modified for use in 384-well assay and high-throughput assay.



应用:Measurement of Citrate Synthase Activity in various samples

样品类型:serum, plasma, isolated mitochondria, homogenate cell and tissue samples.

检测方法:Absorbance 412 nm

检测限:0.1 U/L

反应时间:30 min

灵敏度:The Limit of Detection was determined as 0.05 µM, and linear detection range up to 4 µM CoA in 96-well plate colorimetric assay.

Sensitivity was determined as 0.1 U/L. Samples with values above 4 µM CoA equivalent should be dilute with assay buffer,re-assayed, and multiply results by dilution factor.


保质期:6 months after receipt

运输:gel pack
