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Cholesterol Uptake Assay Kit
货号:K928-200 | 规格:200 tests | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:ABSbio
Cholesterol Uptake Assay Kit,胆固醇摄取检测试剂盒用于测定哺乳动物细胞样本中的胆固醇摄取,使用96孔板进行200次检测,可用于高通量检测。


Cholesterol is one of the major constituents of cellular membranes and is a critical precursor molecule for the synthesis of steroid hormones. Maintaining body cholesterol homeostasis is critical for normal physiological functions and is achieved by a highly regulated balance of de novo synthesis, dietary cholesterol absorption, biliary clearance, and excretion. However, the mechanisms controlling cholesterol absorption are not well understood. Defects in the transport of intracellular cholesterol can alter cellular cholesterol metabolism resulting in pathological conditions. Increased cholesterol uptake has also been linked to highly proliferative cancer cells.

ABSBio™ Cholesterol Uptake Assay Kit provides a convenient tool for studying cholesterol absorption modulators, screening cholesterol intracellular trafficking inhibitor and evaluation of effect of drugs on cholesterol uptake. The kit employs a fluorescently-tagged cholesterol, as a probe for the detection of cholesterol uptake by cultured cells. A cholesterol intracellular trafficking inhibitor (U-18666A) is included as a positive control. The fluorescence intensity at Ex/Em=485/535nm, is directly proportional to the amount of fluorescently-tagged cholesterol which is taken up cells. The kit is supplied with sufficient reagents for 200 tests in 96-well plate assay. It could easily be modified for high-throughput assay. The cells also can be measured by fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry.


应用:Measurement of Cholesterol Uptake in cultured cell samples.

样品类型:Mammalian cells

检测方法:Fluorescence (Ex/Em = 485/535 nm)


保质期:6 months after receipt

