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Cleanascite™ Lipid Removal Reagent and Clarification
货号:X2555-10 | 规格:10 mL | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Biotech Support Group
Cleanascite™脂质吸附澄清试剂,Biotech Support Group提供多种规格Cleanascite™,100mL/X2555-100;50mL/X2555-50;10mL/X2555-10.

Cleanascite™ 脂质吸附澄清试剂

Lipid adsorption and clarification reagent

> 有效替代氯化/氟化烃(例如氟利昂)

> 抗体、蛋白质、核酸、蛋白聚糖和大多数血清分析物的工作流程

> 对脂质具有高结合能力,与蛋白质和核酸的交叉反应性极小

> 非常适合澄清腹水,血清,细胞和组织培养物,胆汁,唾液,粪便和器官匀浆

> 只需简单的微量离心,无需超离

> 极致选择性,包括细胞外囊泡和外泌体清除

> 与细胞反应测定兼容

> 通过生物处理,延长了膜和色谱柱的使用寿命。

• Biotech Support Group提供的Cleanascite™ LX,用于血脂,血清/血浆的澄清,完美替代LipoClear,请访问
Cleanascite™ LX(LX155-10)

Cleanascite™ selectively removes lipids, cell debris, lipoproteins, floating fats, impurities from Cohn paste, transgenic milk, egg yolk and biological samples for pretreatment of samples prior to purification. The reagent is a solid-phase, non-ionic adsorbent supplied as a suspension in saline, ready for use. Simply add, centrifuge and/or filter. The clarified supernatant is ready for subsequent downstream processing or analysis.

Biotech Support Group提供不同规格Cleanascite™,100 mL(X2555-100);50 mL(X2555-50);10 mL(X2555-10)。


