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Grinding Jar Set, Teflon
货号:69986 | 规格:2 x 10 ml | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:QIAGEN
Grinding Jar Set, Teflon(QIAGEN 69986) For efficient disruption of 2 large samples on the TissueLyser II.
Grinding Jar Set, Teflon For efficient disruption of 2 large samples on the TissueLyser II

2 Grinding Jars (10 ml), 2 Teflon Grinding Balls (20 mm)

Efficient disruption of two large samples at the same time
Foolproof closing system via the screw mechanism
Compatible with the TissueLyser II

Product Details
Grinding Jar Sets are designed for efficient and user-friendly disruption of 2 large samples (4–10 ml of sample per jar) using the QIAGEN TissueLyser II. Each grinding jar is opened and closed by a screw mechanism, and can hold one grinding ball. Two Grinding Jar Sets are available: one with stainless steel grinding balls, the other with Teflon grinding balls. Stainless steel grinding balls are recommended for disrupting hard samples, such as bone, as well as for disrupting samples in liquid nitrogen. For all other disruptions, Teflon grinding balls are recommended.