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Mouse IL-2, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein, Carrier Free
货号:MIL2-FC-CF | 规格:0.5 mg | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Molecular Innovations
Mouse IL-2, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein, Carrier Free是由北京中昊新生科技有限公司提供,Molecular Innovations专注于凝血和溶栓试剂,包括PAI-1286、tPA、尿激酶、凝血因子、玻连蛋白、纤维蛋白原、纤连蛋白、肾素原/肾素、前激肽释放酶、激肽释放酶、白蛋白、纤溶酶原、纤溶酶、抗纤溶酶、凝血酶、抗凝血酶、补体成分和免疫球蛋白。
Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is a O-glycosylated four alpha-helix bundle cytokine that is produced by T-cells in response to antigenic or mitogenic stimulation. IL-2 can stimulate B-cells, monocytes, lymphokine-activated killer cells, natural killer cells, and glioma cells and is required for T-cell proliferation and other activities crucial to regulation of the immune response. Mouse IL-2 (Ala21-Gln169) is expressed recombinantly, purified by chromatography, sterile filtered and lyophilized. >95percent pure by SDS-PAGE and biologically active as measured in a cell proliferation assay using CTLL-2 mouse cytotoxic T-cells. (Gearing and Bird (1987) Production and assay of interleukin 2. In Lymphokines and Interferons: A Practical Approach (Clemens et al. eds.) pp. 291-301). The ED50 for this effect is typically < 1.0 ng/ml. Add deionized water to original volume, aliquot and freeze unused portion.

This chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein is glycosylated and expressed as a chimera with the Fc region of mouse immunoglobulin (heavy chain hinge, CH2 and CH3). Fc fusion proteins are typically more stable and resistant to degradation and clearance than native cytokines. Fc fusion proteins appear as a dimer in SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions.