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Cleanascite™ Lipid Removal Reagent and Clarification
货号:X2555-1000 | 规格:1000ml | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Biotech Support Group
Cleanascite™脂质吸附澄清试剂,Biotech Support Group提供多种规格Cleanascite™,100mL/X2555-100;50mL/X2555-50;10mL/X2555-10.


Lipid adsorption and clarification reagent

> Effectively replaces chlorinated/fluorinated hydrocarbons (eg. freon)

> Workflows for antibodies, proteins, nucleic acids, proteoglycans, and most serum analytes

> A high binding capacity for lipids with minimal cross-reactivity with proteins and nucleic acids

> Ideal for clarifying ascites, serum, cell & tissue culture, bile, saliva, fecal and organ homogenates

> Simple microfuge (not ultra) centrifugation protocols

> Exquisite selectivity profile including extracellular vesicle and exosome clearance

> Compatible with cell response assays

> For bioprocessing, extends the life of membrane and chromatographic columns

Cleanascite™ LX,用于血脂,血清/血浆的澄清,完美替代LipoClear,请访问Cleanascite™ LX(LX155-10)

Cleanascite™ selectively removes lipids, cell debris, lipoproteins, floating fats, impurities from Cohn paste, transgenic milk, egg yolk and biological samples for pretreatment of samples prior to purification. The reagent is a solid-phase, non-ionic adsorbent supplied as a suspension in saline, ready for use. Simply add, centrifuge and/or filter. The clarified supernatant is ready for subsequent downstream processing or analysis.

Biotech Support Group提供不同规格Cleanascite™,100 mL(X2555-100);50 mL(X2555-50);10 mL(X2555-10)。

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> > 点击这里查看Cleanascite™脂质去除和细胞反应应用
