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Buffer QG
货号:19063 | 规格:250 ml | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:QIAGEN
Buffer QG(QIAGEN 19063) Buffer QG is a solubilization and binding buffer (with pH indicator), for use in DNA cleanup procedures.

For use in DNA cleanup procedures


Buffers for DNA cleanup protocols

For use with QIAGEN DNA cleanup kits

For binding, solubilization and wash steps 

Product Details

Buffer PB is used in DNA cleanup procedures and enables efficient binding of single- or double-stranded PCR products to the spin-column membrane.

Buffer QG is a solubilization and binding buffer (with pH indicator), for use in DNA cleanup procedures. Buffer PE is a wash buffer for use in DNA cleanup procedures. It is supplied as a 5x concentrate of 100 ml, providing a final volume of 500 ml of buffer.
